
Artist Statement
In my heart was something that I needed to speak about. Discovering my sense of self in the new South Africa is a process that makes one feel vulnerable. With art I can articulate that which one cannot speak of. I metaphorically channelled this journey through the Afrikaner cattle and animal bones. By sterilising, dissecting, and selecting that which is useful, I work through my deepest thoughts and creative inventions. I revisit the past, attempting to preserve my cultural roots and fiercely embracing that which is dear to me. Bone represents strength, family lineage and the value of cultural heritage: all significant to the Afrikaner people. Transforming pure, white, sterilised bone into a different shape and colour speaks of transition As I worked with the bones it caught me by surprise when I realised how wonderful we were created by God from the moment of conception. The spiritual meaning of bone found in the book of Ezekiel reminds us of a message of restoration and hope. Through my art I can express my concerns and joys to stimulate dynamic interaction with an audience.

  • Stoffberg, Mpumalanga, South Africa
With a father in the diplomatic service, it happened that I was born in Germany, baptized in Netherland and did part of my Primary-school years in Canada but also in the countryside of Mpumalanga, matriculated in Pretoria and studied Optometry in Johannesburg.

Art was one of my matric subjects.
In an art-competition for schools, launched by Sanlam with the topic ‘Mors-Jors', my entry received third price.

I practiced Optometry for 25 years in Middelburg, Mpumalanga.
In 2008 I did an art-therapy course presented by Anel Smith from the Netherlands. I then realized that there was a void in my life and that I should focus my attention on my art.
I am a founder member of the Highveld Art Association which is also an affiliate of SANAVA.
Currently, I am doing my third year in BA Visual Arts at UNISA.

"Insignificant Death"

What happens to man and his conscience in modern day society? Man is regarded as the custodian of the earth, but are we aware of the effect of man-made creations on nature and on our own well- being? The comforts we use on a daily basis like Wi-fi and microwaves transmit electro-magnetic forces that are hazardous to our health. These unseen dangers are perhaps written off as insignificant, but can have a negative effect on us without our knowing.
The greatest threat to birds and all wildlife continues to be loss or degradation of habitat due to human development and disturbance. As a metaphor for the unseen dangers and “insignificant deaths”, I am using the birds colliding with the glass windows of modern buildings.